Thursday, 11 July 2013

Sarah eats cake

My new consultant has just warned me that steroids make many people eat lots of sweet things.  I have just told her (honestly) that this isn't happening to me.  I have been eating fruit and enjoying it.  In hospital café I have demolished an M&S layered prawn cocktail, and then consumed two pieces of cake.  Delicious!!!! 


  1. What - with no ice cream?!

    Chris xo

  2. looks like one of them is a carrot cake so that hits the fruit/veg criteria!

  3. Gert lush!!!!!! Guts xxxxx��

  4. I don't understand everything in details because of my english level, but I guess I understand the main points. You should just know I read your blog each day and support you and Martha and Katy. Aude often asks me to translate.... I can't do this in details (I try to, for Vincent). I tell her what you can now do, after the op, with girls. I really hope we could go back to the Futuroscope together, which would mean you're in good health! Can you tell us your adress, Aude and I would be happy to send french "things". Courage Sarah. Bisous. Laurence, Vincent, Aude and Dorian

  5. Chère Laurence, Vincent, Aude et Dorian,
    J'ai un cancer du cerveau. Je suis heureux d'avoir un diagnostic. Il a été très difficile pour moi de se sentir malade et avoir un diagnostic erroné. J'ai pensé que j'étais déprimé. Je n'étais pas dépressive, j'ai eu une tumeur au cerveau.
    Je suis impatient de la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. Je suis très positif. Je sais que je serai capable de vivre une vie pleine et heureuse.
    Je veux aller au futuroscope avec vous tous. J'ai l'intention d'aller en France et, bien sûr, pour vous tous à venir pour rester avec nous à Manchester.
    Je vous aime tous

    10 Thornbridge Avenue, Chorlton, Manchester M21 9DN, UK

  6. The cake looks good and you look great in that lovely vest from Berlin! I recognise that little green man.

