Thursday, 3 October 2013

Slow Day

A dopey walk
My meadow walk was hard work this morning.  Even the most gentle slope was a huge challenge.  I am out of breath and looking for somewhere to sit down.  I keep going, but I was glad to fall into the sofa, as I return home.

The meadows are lush with long grass, creepy tall nettles and looping large dock leaves.  Today, a tractor has been cutting lots of it back.  I walked with the smell of cut grass, across discarded tufts. 

Cup of tea and straight to bed.  I then sleep until 2 pm which is nearly 3 hours sleep.  I keep expecting my sleeps to get shorter, but they are staying long and deep.  I must give up wishing to be awake all day!  When I wake, I remain dopey.  I forget that Dave said he would pick girls up from school, and only remember when I see his car in the car park.  He has come over with a heavy cold, so I chose not to get in the car with him!  Dave took Martha home, and I waited for Katy to come out of guitar.

Katy's knee is still in bad shape
I phoned my doctor's this morning, but could only get an appointment with Dr Black (my GP, who I do not want to see at the moment).  I had to decline the appointment, and will call tomorrow to try to get an appointment for Monday.

On the way home from school Katy hurt her knee again.  Her whole body arched in pain, and she was instantly in tears. She is walking like she has a board strapped to her leg.  I think something in her knee is inflamed, so I am giving her nurofen regularly.  We are following ICE - ice, compression, elevation.  I am wishing her to be fit enough to play football in the girls league over the next few weeks. 

Martha watched this at Anya's party.  She has talked about it endlessly, so we have rented it from love film.  We watched half of it tonight, with a piece of chocolate cake.  I don't think I have ever seen all of it before - it was released the year that I went to uni. This is a time when I disconnected from the real world for a few years.  My younger brother (14 years younger) called his cat Gizmo, after the first Gremlin. 

I have put my electrical products on ebay.  I don't expect to make much money - I am just passing them onto someone else who will want them, and passing them out of my bedroom.  The one that made me laugh was the microphone; it is in the original packaging, with instructions, except that everything is in French.  I bought this when I was teaching in France for my PGCE placement.

Have a good day
loads of love
Sarah xxxx