Tuesday, 7 January 2014

January blues

DWP office
Woken by my alarm, I was shocked that it was time to get up.  We get to school reasonably comfortably.  My "DWP" appointment is at 9.30 am.  This is at the Department for Work and Pensions, which used to be the social security office.  All my documents are photocopied.  I am pleased because I do not lose sight of any of them. 

Lost letter
Except, when at home, I find that one of them is missing:  my tax credits letter.  I search for it, but conclude that it must be left in the DWP office.  I will have to go back and ask about it.  Nothing is ever simple!  I decide to post my last application without the letter, so that my claim is logged. 

New library card          
The library is close to DWP office, so I went there to get a copy of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  My library card was so out of date, the librarian insisted it had to be replaced.  My old card was yellow, with a bar code stuck on with sellotape.  Inducted in using the self service counter, I have a copy of the book.  I was given a cd in June, which sadly was faulty.  My plan is to read the book, and then watch the film again.  I didn't really understand the film when I saw it in the cinema.

Usual sleep
Lunchtime sleep - now generally about 45 mins.  It is getting shorter.  When I wake, I call school to arrange to see the head teacher for a catch up.  I have a chat with deputy head.

January blues
Later, I feel really tearful.  Many people suffer from January blues.  Differentiating between what my illness is causing, and what would happen anyway is always difficult.  I think all that happened to me today, was that I had some time to myself, to think and reflect and I ended up very tearful.  I can't blame the steroids anymore!  I feel low, but ok. 

Chemo time!
I go to see my consultant tomorrow.  It is chemo time again.  Happy that Christmas and New Year fell in a good spell, I am prepared for my poorly spell from the weekend onwards.   I hope to be well enough to see Robin Hood with school on Saturday, and to conk out for the week ahead.  My mum is kindly coming up to help.

Have a good week
lots of love
Sarah xxxx