Tuesday, 23 July 2013

I like Sushi :) and trip to the Beechwood Cancer Care Centre

Sushi fantastic
Believe it or not but I tried Sushi for the first time, today.  Dave's mum, Joan, bought me a 8 portions from Out of the Blue (local fishmongers).  It was terrific, and perfect for my new diet.

I went shopping this morning with Joan - a trip to the camping shop, quality save, bank and photo shop.  I return, with money in my purse, torches, a pill dispenser (I have pills and pods to take throughout every day, and the dispenser lays it out for me), and photos as gifts.

Beechwood Cancer Care Centre
After lunch, we head off to the Beechwood Cancer Care Centre.  This service has been recommended to me by Anna Friedenthal, and we were going to attend at art therapy session.  However, I got the times wrong and we were an hour early.  The session also clashed with an arrangement to have a dishwasher delivered, so we could not stay and experience the activity.   We were given a tour of the centre, and I liked the look and feel of it.  The children's rooms have puppets and dolls sharing the walls, and I started to imagine some of the conversations that they would have together.

Before the operation, I completed a referral for our family to receive counselling support, and we await our appointment.  I learned today that I will be eligible for counselling too, and nurse support from the centre.

I asked Martha what she thought of the centre, and she said she needed to play to forget about it.  She said she wants to play with her friends to forget.  I don't have an opinion about this; I guess it is quite healthy to want to forget.

Dishwasher arrives and leaves
At tea time, the dishwasher arrives.  I have paid to have the current dishwasher removed, and to have the new dishwasher fitted.  However, it turns out that the plumber cannot remove the integrated dishwasher - I have to pay more for this - and he takes the new dishwasher away with him.  On the phone, it is agreed that the website did not give me the option of ordering a plumber to take the integrated dishwasher because I ordered an ordinary dishwasher to replace it.  Tomorrow, someone from Manchester John Lewis will call to arrange a new delivery date. 

My diet
It is true - I have no idea what I am eating.  My mum is doing it all, and I am trying to learn.  I am starting to get the hang of it - eat raw, organic, no sugar.  I did have a cooked tea tonight, which I really enjoyed - it was a thai curry on brown spaghetti, with a raw salad of course. My mum is making the fruit and veg juices, too.   Gotta get the hang of it soon. 

I have started pilates in the morning.  I am building up my morning routine.  I want to have a routine to fall back on when I am feeling tired and poorly.

Packed for Herm (nearly)
Nearly ready for Herm - I think I will be going.  Dave is incredibly relieved that I have a lift from the island staff to take me from the ferry to the campsite.  I have nearly finished packing for Martha and Katy's two week trip.  I know I am going to be overwhelmed when I arrive there, and I can't wait.  I will be there on a Sunday too - I so want to go to church and sing for those in peril on the sea.  I love that hymn. 

My new diet!

Nutrition planner

Notes from Wendy

·         The majority of food should be raw.

·         Sarah is not eating wheat – look for gluten free produce.  Gluten free products are in Sarah’s cupboard eg flour, pasta.

·         Sarah does not eat meat.  She does eat fish.

·         Fresh is best:  Anything that is cooked must be cooked at lowest possible for temperature for a longer time.  Heating food above 43 degrees destroys almost all the enzymes. None of Sarah’s foods are to be microwaved because the extreme temperature alters the state of protein in the food.

·         Organise snacks at start of day to help Sarah avoid binging the wrong foods.

·         Use the Sampson handbook for recipes for juices.

·         Garlic is a natural antibiotic – add it to meals.  Crush it, rather than chop it.  It only releases its properties when it is crushed.

·         Sarah drinks TIC TOC tea – high in antioxidants.

·         Do not use the microwave.

·         Do not use cheese/keep cheese amounts low eg a little goats cheese.

·         All washing is to be completed with bag of washing powder.  Do not use the branded boxes of powder.

·         Set the landline phone to your mobile phone number, ready so that Sarah can use redial in the night.

Boiled and cooled water
Boil the water, let it cool and put it in fridge.
Boiled and cooled water
Green tea capsule
Green tea can only be given in the morning and the effects of it last all day.
15ml 1 – 3 times a day
Take capsule with water, or open capsule and make up as a cup of tea.
Take on its own like medicine.
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Linseed vege pods/omega 3
Udos choice powder
Soya protein (digestive enzymes)
Take one in the morning and then 3 times a day.
2 desert spoons up to 3 times a day.
1 heaped desert spoon = 9 grams of protein.  1 – 3 servings a day.
Tastes like mown grass.
Add to yoghurt, sugar milk or water.
Boiled and cooled water
Glass of masticated juice
Aloe Vera
Wheat grass powder
Drink 1 g;ass of juice with 15ml aloe vera added or Aloe Vera separate
10 – 15g of powder
Make enough juice to last the day.
Put wheatgrass powder in the breakfast juice.
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Milk thistle
10 drops twice daily.
soothing to the digestive tract
Increase dose as Sarah moves through treatment.
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Linseed vege pods/omega 3
Udos choice powder
1 pod
Soya protein (digestive enzymes) – 1 heaped desert spoon
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Milk thistle
15 to 20 drops.
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Drink 1 glass of juice
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Linseed vege pods/omega 3
Udos choice powder
Soya protein (digestive enzymes) – 1 heaped desert spoon
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water
Boiled and cooled water

Food that Sarah likes when she is feeling poorly

·         Baked potato cheese and small salad (baked in the oven)

·         Carrot and coriander soup and wheat free bread (Martha can make this)

·         Leek and potato soup and wheat free bread (and this)

·         Pumpkin or butternut squash soup

·         Heinz tomato soup and wheat free bread

·         Probiotic yoghurt

·         Porridge and honey, porridge and bananas

·         Mushroom pate on wheat free bread or unicorn crackers

·         Cauliflower cheese, or cauliflower and broccoli cheese

·         Flapjack (Martha and katy can make this)

·         Carrot cake

·         Banana/tangerines/cherries

·         Plain pancakes (Martha can make the mix)

·         Somelina or rice pudding

Julie Matthews:  You are correct.  I have no idea what I am eating.  My mum is complete control of the food that I am eating.  I am trying to learn, but still have no idea at all!