This is my big news of the day. I make it to my first pilates lesson for a few years. Jo Murphy (mum from school) is the tutor and about twenty of us pack into a large room that began to feel small. It is the perfect exercise for me right now - every movement is based on full and correct breathing. Analysis of the lesson would say we did nothing but lie down for an hour, but those of us who were there know otherwise!
The window men came and started mending my kitchen window. New hinges have been added; next phase is change the insulation strips. These have been ordered.
Louise came over this evening. My next chemo session clashes with her birthday, and I have been given permission to start the tablets the day after her birthday weekend (delaying by 4 days). This gives me the opportunity to go away for the weekend to North Wales. Lots of details to work out...
We played PERUDO, which is a dice game that Louise gave Martha and Katy for Christmas. It is a good game. Basically you guess (or bluff) how many there are of the number on dice. You have 5 dice each at the start. Winner is the last one with any dice. Martha understood it straight away and got knobbled by Louise. Katy couldn't believe she was winning at one point, and was simply astounded to be correct in what she said. It was hilarious.
Gotta sleep now
Feeling reasonably well :)
love you all
Sarah xxxx