Friday, 1 November 2013

Grayson Perry

Our activity today has been to take the tram to the City Art Gallery to see a modern and contemporary art exhibition, that was recommended to us by Anna.  The exhibition is the life story of Tim, from his birth to his death, using tapestry.  The artist is Grayson Perry.  We are still discussing elements of the story. 

Katy is doing ok.  She ended the day with a fever, but on the whole has been reasonably well.

Edwina has helped me with a couple of "technical jobs".  She has got my DVD player to show films through my TV.  This is fantastic news!  My HMI cable was round the wrong way.  Also, she has helped me get help from BT to get BT Sport to show on my TV.  Thank you so much!

Gotta get some sleep now.
lots of love
Sarah xxx