Sunday, 14 July 2013

Farewell to my Dad; until next time :)

 At the end of a fabulous weekend together we took John out for a drink.  I had a half pint of bitter shandy.  Very nice!
Here we all are - whole group, except Dave who took the photo.

Thank you John, we had a wonderful weekend.  It was great to see you and for you to see that I am making excellent progress.  We will see you again soon.  Talk on the phone.  love   Sarah xxxx

On the tubes in Chill Factore, while I sleep at home.

I have been asleep.  Martha, Katy and Harry have been on the tubes in the Chill Factore.  They say it was "epic".  Love you all    Sarah xxxx

Buddy for Martha and Katy :)

Thought Martha and Katy might like to see Buddy in his sunhat?  love Sally Bailey xx

I have washed my own hair and drug regime

Hooray, I have had the courage to wash my hair.  I have plucked my eye brows.  The bushes are gone.   I remain very happy with my progress, and wholly positive about the future.

Other news about my recovery:
  • I still can't open my jaw properly.  The left hand joint of jaw is very sore, and remains sore.  It makes it difficult to eat.  No doubt that it will improve over time.
  • The bruising has diminished.
  • I know I am looking well, but I don't like the way I look.  There is still some misshape to my left eye.  I hope this settles down in time.
  • The pain has diminished.  I get a dull ache only, and am able to manage this on one paracetemol throughout the day.

My drug regime
This has now changed to:

 0600                1 x omeprazole

 0630                1 x paracetemol

 0900                1 x dexamethasone (2mg)

1200                1 x paracetemol

1800                1 x paracetemol

2330                1 x paracetemol

Thanks Ben

My brother Ben came to visit for a few days.  He brought me this fan, that keeps me cool at night.  However, he is the most amazing support and so good to be with.  Ben, you are a truly incredible man.  I love you and I am so proud you are my brother.  Sarah xxxxxxx