Friday, 30 August 2013

England Women win the Ashes

What a great summer of sport!

Andy Murray - Wimbledon
Chris Frome - Le Tour de France
Men's ashes - Cricket
Women's ashes - Cricket
Silver in the Euro Hockey

Have I missed anything?

Long and busy day

Morning walk
I took a medium length walk today, simply because of time.  I had an early hospital appointment.  Martha and Katy got ready to go out for a play with friends.  Martha left with Heather (Anya's mum) on bikes, and Katy took her skates to Ella's.

Katy and Ella on their day out.

I sleep after my appointment, and then get a text asking if Karen Meenagh (Y4 teacher at Chorlton CE can visit).  I take my own advice and say that I won't be in, but could I cadge a lift, which she kindly gives me.

Orthotics Appointment
You may recall that I have a lump on the bottom of my left foot, from an old camping injury.  I return to the doc with correct shoes (from Clarks), and today, he made me orthotics.  These put my foot into the correct position, so that little pressure is place on the lump. 

Martha and I walk round to get the bus home, and the timing is perfect for us.  I am delighted that we have made it at all, never mind the speed of the trip.

Chicken Korma
Katy is out for tea, so Martha chooses Chicken Korma for hers.  Katy hates it!  I rustle up a chicken Korma using Lloyd Grossman ready made sauce.  These are always full of good ingredients, so I feel happy with the short cut.  Martha goes to local Indian take away to buy naan bread.  She really enjoys her meal.

During the meal, Margi calls and I promise to phone back.  I don't manage this in the end because ...

Cleaner arrives for interview
Helen and Sally are helping me by giving me a cleaner once a week.  This is going to be a massive help.  Already, I can see the difference it will make.

When I say she arrives, she catches a bus and gets off in Didsbury.  I get a call, and I think she is in Chorlton, but she is in Didsbury.  Her English is so poor, I ask to speak to someone who can speak English, who puts her on a bus back to Chorlton.  In Chorlton, she calls me and says she is at bus station, and she puts the phone down because she has no credit.  I am not impressed at this time!
I end up walking out to the bus station to see if I can find her.  We have no way of knowing who is who, however, amazingly we find eachother. 

So, here I am a morning later, with a very clean kitchen.  I will wait and see how she gets on.  My aim is to use the cleaner that already works in two houses on my street.  She cannot fit me in yet.

Anna Karenina
During Martina's cleaning session, we all watch Anna Karenina.  A beautiful love story.  Katy is very difficult at the start of it, but settles down. 

By the end of the film, I am simply exhausted.  I have had a busy day for someone who is fit, never mind someone who is living with a serious illness.

Have a great day
Sarah xxxx