This is a video of Katy and Ella at Royal Northern College of Music in July. I was sent this at a time when I was deeply worried about how Martha and Katy were dealing with my news. It is so joyous, it still brings a big smile to my face. I have just worked out how to upload it onto you tube.
My day yesterday was a walk, a little shop (where I discovered that my new fruit and veg shop takes my tag card, giving me 10% discount).
Longford Park, looking stunning.
I rested most of the day, to prepare to go to Chorlton High School open evening. Martha has already chosen this school. The trip was to help Katy decide where she would like to go in 2015 (when I am 50!). Helen was also coming to join us.
Chorlton High School
Martha and Katy enjoy a chicken pasta that Lisa Watson left us, and then we get ready to go out. Helen arrives, and we walk to the school on the route that Martha will take next year. It is up an alley along side Chorlton Park. I can't help but give guidance that they must not ever walk through the park when it is dark. It is black dark (I have been through it on my bike) - you really can't see a thing, even with a bike light.
As an ex-employee from the school, I know most of the teachers. I also know about a quarter of the parents. CHS open evening is a challenging experience for me. I feel ok in myself, and I feel very positive. If I had been returning to CHS with depression, I would have felt completely different; I am comfortable to go back and share the news of my cancer.
I did try to speak to the head teacher, but I quickly concluded that it was not the right time and place. I ducked out the queue and took the lift to the maths department (I cannot walk up the stairs). They were all really happy to see me, and me them. Helen and I cannot find Martha and Katy. We agree to do one lap, of this floor, and that I will then wait in the foyer until Helen has found them both.
They are found in food tech making bread rolls. Katy makes a plait, and Martha and peaked bun. We take these to bake at home. Helen and I have a lovely meal together, and put the bread in the oven. When we returned to it, both creations were dark brown and burnt. Oops!
Martha level 6 group and Katy team leader
Tired and exhausted Martha received more good news yesterday. She is one of six pupils who have been put into a group to work towards level 6. I have some reservations about this - my instinct is that at primary school she should be focused on the basics and lots of fun - however, we will go with it. I am delighted for her.
Katy has been made a team leader. Two children per house have special duties to go round the school and collect the points from each class. She is really proud of herself, and quite rightly. Katy also has a place in digismart. Martha did not get into this group.
Grab Rail
This has been fitted into my shower. Only small, it makes a massive difference to my safety and feeling of comfort while I shower.
I am sure I will recall more later on.
Enjoy the good weather
Sarah xx