Hi there! Martha, Katy and I had a lovely time in the park this morning. They love this tree. It has a nest about two thirds the way up. Katy and Martha climbed above the nest today. They both swung off the branch that Katy is lying on, as their form of dismount!
We had a cheerful lunch, and then we started playing in our "band". Martha playing chords on the guitar, Katy on the trumpet and I was playing the piano. I still need to practice!! Between us, we can all play Jingle Bells together. We tried Good King Wensceslas (spelling?) - guitar and piano. I need to speed up. We are having a little Christmas piano night with our other friends who are learning the piano: Martha, Katy, Ella, Hattie and Alfie. Throw in a few mums, dads and the piano teacher, and I think we will have a good night together.
Dave has taken the girls swimming. Strictly Come Dancing later, then bed :)
Have a good week
Sarah xxxx