Monday, 29 July 2013

Thank you for your gifts

Thank you Bev, for this.  I will read and let you know what I think.
Louise's mum, Cherry has sent me this book, which I will use to keep adjusting my diet.  I am aiming to eat a low carbohydrate diet.  Thanks Cherry, this is so kind of you.
Sally has sent me a voucher for a mobile massage.  How fantastic.  I am in the middle of agreeing an appointment for the masseur to come to my house.
Thanks to Nicky and David in London, how sent these beautiful flowers and some lovely chocolates.  It is so thoughtful of you, thanks loads.

Health on Herm

My health on Herm was mixed.  I have had very little time when I have had a headache, and apart from the morning of fever, I have taken no paracetemol.  My only drugs have been 2mg steroids and omerazapole which protects stomach against the steroids.

My first night, I had terrible diarrhoea.  I had to keep getting up, walking to the toilet and allowing my bowels to eject painful liquid.  It felt like a few men were having a fight in my belly, over and over again.  The next morning, I ate eggs and anything that could help, and it all settled down.  I think my body is rebelling against the diet of raw food, and so I have increased the amount of food that I am eating that has been cooked. 

On the Sunday, I woke with a fever, and had to fill up with paracetemol to get the fever down.  I wanted to go to church because I like the service, and because on Herm, we always sing "for those in peril on the sea".  I love that hymn!  Dave advised against going, but I decided that I could do it.  I did not stand, I was seated only, but thoroughly enjoyed the service.  The fever did settle down, I am glad to say, and I managed to pack my bags and be ready to go.

Before I left for Herm, Sarah (piano teacher) helped me see that I have lost the digging/ticking/bed squeaking.  These noises have stopped, I am glad to say.  When they stopped, I don't know.  It is something that has stopped.  Maybe all the gaps in my brain have now disappeared, so there is no brain tissue moving around.  I don't know, but I am glad that it has stopped.

Herm was beautiful

Good afternoon!  I have had my holiday in Herm, and really enjoyed the break.  I wish I could stay longer, but have to be delighted that I made it there at all.  Here are some snaps from the holiday.
If you want to watch it, here is a video of the girls having their sleeping bag fight.  Two boys from the tent opposite, aged 5 and 2 joined in shortly after, and really enjoyed pushing the girls over.  Katy was really sticky with sweat!

Katy at Belvoir bay.  This is Martha and Katy's favourite beach.

Me, sun bathing.  Swim suit was perfect, thanks.

Castle building with Dave.  I wasn't up to digging.  I did walk down to the beach and walk back - this is a difficult walk up a very steep path.  I was very out of breath, but very proud.  The next morning my calves and hamstrings were stiff.  What a fabulous feeling.  I am building muscle again in my legs and arms.

 Dave and Martha walking down to the harbour.
 A pose on the way to the harbour.

Katy and I walked back up the hill from the harbour together.  There are three routes you can take.  Around the cliffs, which Martha did with Dave, and they spotted 8 different types of butterfly, using a guide to identify them.  
Up the path
or through the Woodland Walk.
Katy and I took the Woodland Walk route, and found these beautiful and vibrant natural flowerbeds.  We like these :)
And finally, we did have rain storms and thunder.  I saw a thunderbolt strike the sea, which was pretty shocking and impressive.  I also saw a rainbow.  I really felt like I was being offered all the Herm experiences in a compact set of time, very blessed!

When I left the island on the evening of the 28th, I got onto the Trident (the ferry to Guernsey) and Martha and Katy waved me off like I was getting on a bus into town.  They understand that it is the best solution for them to stay and enjoy Herm, and have accepted this. 
 These pictures were taken today, by Dave.  I am back home.   This is Katy and Ella, Amber and Martha.  They are good friends who play together every year on Herm.
 Spot Aunty Bev!  Bev, Amber, Martha, Katy.
Katy - what a brilliant pose!
On my last night, I stay with my friend Ali on Guernsey.  Ali and I got to know each other on Herm when we were 11 onwards.  They camped there every year, and so did we.  As uni students we both went to Loughborough Uni, both studied PE (in different years) and continued our friendship. He eldest daughter is moving into Year 6, as is Martha.  She also has twin boys who start school in September.   I think Martha is starting to understand that her friend Amber, could become a life long friend too.  This picture is of us at 4.50 am, about to go and catch the "red eye".  Ali, Jean-Luke (hubby) and Georgie, Alex and Charlie all go to Herm for a week in a cottage, and will have good times with Martha and Katy.  Martha and Katy plan to invite Georgie for a sleepover in the tent.
Another friend of mine, Paul (who I call Ingy) came over, which was magic.  He is an amazing man, who always shows what is in his heart.  He had been to Bermuda as the commentator on the Island Games, had been running cliffs with his son, and was incredibly proud of his family.  He always inspires me.