You may know that Dave's brother, Paul, performs in improvisation performances. The events are a bit like "Whose Line Is It Anyway?". Our day is centred around going to see Paul perform at Sale Waterside Arts Centre.
Breakfast is gert lush
We have Izzy Jones on a sleep over. Chris and Gee return to us at 9am, and Gee cooks us all the most amazing cooked breakfast. I had eggs baked with smoked haddock and spinach. The girls all had a traditional cooked breakfast. Gee is an excellent cook. He is also cooking me healthy food to keep in the freezer - fantastic :)
I sleep
I have to go back to bed. I enjoyed the party, the day before, but I am now very tired. While I sleep, Martine picks up Izzy and Joan arrives (Dave's mum). Chris is playing games with Martha and Katy, and we all end up joining in with Guesstures (this is like the game Charades).
Theatre trip
We get a taxi to the theatre (for 4pm showing), and we enjoy the show. Paul is very talented. His best bit was providing "sign language" to a TV programme about a hedgehog training to ride a unicycle. We all have a great laugh! I have a couple of glasses of wine, too!
Joan was hoping to come home with us for a Gee evening meal, while Paul was going to perform in the final, at 7 pm. Unfortunately, Paul decided to go home, so Joan could not come and join us. We were all disappointed. We will do it another time! We took this picture to say "we are missing you!".
Amazing Dinner
We have a good evening together. Martha and Katy watch Strictly, while we eat a delicious meal. Thank you Gee and Chris.
An extra hour
I have woken the next morning, totally confused by my clocks, and I have now realised that the clocks have gone back an hour. I am glad I didn't have an appointment anywhere, because I would have got there an hour early!!
Have a good extra hour
lots of love
Sarah x