Sunday, 11 August 2013

A gentle day

Wet morning walk
I didn't have a good night's sleep last night.  The surface of my skull is sore, where the x-rays enter.  I wake up tired, and try to doze a little.   I get up about 6.30 am and have my porridge and manuka honey, whilst watching the athletics.
My morning walk is my first on my own for a while.  During the walk, it begins to rain, so I divert through the woods to get some shelter. 

Dennon is three
My next door neighbour is having his third birthday party.  Martha and Katy are invited as helpers, taking a group of three year olds to Head over Heels.  They really enjoy it.

Izzy Jones comes to play with Martha
This is heaven for Martha.  Martha and Izzy spend time upstairs playing together, and head out on their bikes to the park.  Katy is very happy to watch Ponyo on TV, so I am able to sleep on the settee while she is absorbed in a film that she loves.  I awake near the end of the film, feeling better.  It is then only 15 minutes until Katy's friend arrives at 3 pm.  Martha has been asked to sleep over at Izzy's, so we ask Rosy if she would like to sleep over tonight, and to Katy's delight, she can stay.  Both girls are downstairs now, playing monopoly.

Visit from Occupational Therapist
I forgot to mention this, the OT comes to visit me once a week to check my progress.  She came on Thursday.   I was tested on a range of skills and got good marks.  The tests were things like, acknowledge the sound of the letter A; can I draw a cube (a good question for a maths teacher!); can a draw a clock with numbers and mark 11.10 on it; can I remember a list (at the end of the test I got 3 out of 5 - this was my worst answer); and other similar questions that I can't recall now. 
The OT told me that I had done very well.  She was shocked that I am walking 3 miles a day, and said that she couldn't do this herself.  She did tell me that she has another client who was fit before diagnosis, and that in week 4 of his treatment, he can still catch the bus to Christies for treatment.  She is of the opinion that fitness is a big part of a good recovery process.  I wish myself into the same space - I want to be fit and able through this treatment programme.

Back onto treatment programme tomorrow
I have given Martha and Katy the option of coming to the hospital tomorrow, to see the treatment room for the first time.  I do not know if they will choose to come.  Dave will look after them, while I am there if they choose not to, or he could look after one of them, if that is what happens.  Let's wait and see...

Love you all
Sarah xxx