Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Biking to school

Biking to school
On bikes to school (not me).  Katy has Bike Right lessons, and Martha is proudly riding her new bike.  At home time, Mr Longworth tells me that the front forks are on back to front.  I had been warned of this by Cherry (Louise's mum).  Luckily, Dave works out how to fix it, so the forks are now the correct way round.

I go for my morning walk with Ann Evanson, and her dog.  Another lovely morning on the meadows.

My travel insurance letter arrives.  The claim process looks really complicated.  I have a medical form to get my GP to fill in, and loads of documents to compile.  Maybe it will become simple, as I get into it.

I potter in my bedroom.  Gradually, I am getting back to the walls - I still have some way to go, in reaching what I think is a tidy house, but bit by bit, I am making good steps towards  smartness.  I don't think I will ever make it completely, because I have always had some untidy corners!!!  :)

Ewa comes tomorrow - hooray!

I have a chat with Margi on the phone, and then have a sleep.  I sleep until 3.0 again.  I am not worried about this, I just keep hoping that my sleeps will start to get shorter.

Polly comes to play with Katy
I collect Martha and Katy from school.  Katy invites Polly to play, and they have a good time on their bikes.  Martha watches TV, and then we all head off to pick up Sasha from school.  Luckily, Dave arrives, so he takes Martha to pick Sasha up for both girls to go to drama club.  Martha is dressed as a tennis player.  Katy and Polly have strawberry milkshakes (from the blender - loads of fresh fruit), and then Katy goes swimming.

My diet
I haven't researched any recipes yet.  It is very much on my mind.  This is a project that I will get started on tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone
Sarah xxx