Early Morning Walk becomes blackberry picking with Katy
I have a terrible night's sleep with Katy in my bed. She arrives not breathing well, and I end up listening to her most of the night. As the night progresses, her breathing settles and she becomes well-sounding again. We have begun to think that the sunflowers could be the cause of the sneezing, and red eyes and sneezing and asthma... This could be a breakthrough for us!
Katy rises shortly after me and decides to come for a walk. She has made more blackberry tarts today.
I am feeling well - we go to visit Joan (Dave's mum)
We check the motorways and decide that we can head over to Liverpool. Joan is up for visitors. I still end up sleeping most of the time that we are there, but we do have a very nice visit. We have lunch, and we all go to the local park.
Evening tidy up time
After tea, Martha and Katy ask to have "family time" and we all play charades. We then go upstairs to tidy up their bedrooms. Both of them apply themselves to the task. We make a pile of clothes for charity shop, a pile for ebay and hang new hand-me-downs. I am able to give both of them praise, and we all end up feeling good. Both are asleep now, and looking forward to day out at Lyme Park tomorrow, with Lisa and Iona.
My health
I have changed my anti-sickness drugs, onto a stronger one. They are known to create constipation, so I am happy to not feel nauseous, but having to manage my diet to ensure I can have health bowel movements! Today, we got it right - hooray!!!
Enjoy the bank holiday
lots of love