Thursday, 14 November 2013

First and second days of chemo

I have stuck to the timetabled regime.  I am too tired to write now.  All is good.  I will catch up tomorrow.
Good night :)
Sarah x

Friday:  Too-tired developed into too-ill.  I have had a bad day today.  I woke up feeling like I was about to vomit, and had to take an anti-sickness pill at the start of the day.  I couldn't take Martha and Katy to school.  Katy walked to school on her own, and Martha accepted a lift from my Mum.  I slept until about 11am, I think.  I watched TV for the afternoon.  My left eye is very puffy again.  I have an on going headache.

Martha and Katy had Children in Need day at school.  Martha was part of a group running a "fete" in the school hall. 

I have to go back to sleep.  Tomorrow we have a beach hut booked at Lytham St Annes.  Martha won it in the school fair.  We couldn't make use of it through the summer, so we are going to see what it is like on an Autumn day instead.  We are taking a pack of cards with us :)  I am hoping to be well enough to travel.

lots of love
Sarah xxx