Friday, 28 June 2013

Updates that Sarah has posted today from her blackberry but sadly they have been posted to the wrong place and nobody will see them. I have typed them from my ipad to Sarah's laptop exactly as written for you all to read. So don't blame the spelling mistakes on me this time!!

28 June
Good morning all. I can undersand you talking and I can talk bac'. Probs with words and memory within this, but basically on form. I could not ask for more. My LHS is swollen duing night. Doc will ome to look t it. I think it is expected part of process.
So all is in order :).:)
Arah xxxxxxx

This is Sarah and my progress today.
Throughout the day I have had bloodpressure tests. Pulse rate and temperature- al taken a number of times and recorded in a yellow A4 file.
I was taken for an MRI scan at 830. A porter came to push me in a chair to the unit. The unit seemed to be on opposite side of hospital. Another man came with us in wheelchair- he had a big tape up the bck of his head and told me that they had removed 'an egg'.
At the unit, I went in first. Same as previous scanner. Instruction were to lie still and don't move. These make me laugh because I am not able to move about!!
The scanner is very noisy. I have ear plugs. They are several phases. The end phases are with die, so that they can see everything.

Drugs; my drug regime is being amended. The steroids have been cut for four every morning and four every night TO three. I have a tablet added to protect me against the effect of the steroids- they would damage my gut. Added- paracetemol: added - two to help me pooh! Nothing going down there yet. Love S xx

After the MRI scan, I was pushed out into the corridor, to wait for a porter to take me back to my ward. I was seated in a corner waiting room. Two people arrived, a man and woman. I waited.
I waited. I asked the man to get me a drink of water. Staff had to check this was ok, and a glass was brought to me. I waited. I asked the man to tell reception that I was waiting. I waited.
The other young man emerged through the doors, with a porter, and was taken back to the ward. I argued with the porter, asking him to take me first, but he was following computer instructions.
A radiographer appeared through the door. I asked him to take me back. I didn't care how I got back- just take me back.
He refused (on the grounds of being a radiographer),
Eventually, a porter appeared. I was returned to my ward having missed breakfast, missed bed baths, missed ordering my lunch (tricky cos I am veggie). When I got back I was very distressed, as you could imagine.
All solved with a talk, an air fan and a 'sleep in a breeze'.
Not a good morning today!

Sarah finds visiting exhausting and that is with us going in only one at a time and for a short while.
Sarah can receive BLOGs emails texts facebook etc.  She cannot read them all nor reply, but appreciates any that she sees. Keep up the messages- it really helps.

Thank you and good night xx

Friday visiting update.
Sarah started her day with an MRI scan.
Wow! Sarah has been up on her feet, first on mum's arm walking to the toilet at a very brief 2pm visit and later in the day going solo.
During the afternoon Sarah was miss bossy boots of a sister, texting me saying bring me this, then another, bring me that!! and they were properly spelt messages today, so I knew Sarah was feeling better. So we have duly taken in a couple of magazines, her IPOD and a few fresh clothes.
The nurses have encouraged Sarah to get up and about and was sitting in the chair at tonight's visit.
You can see from the photo's Sarah train track and the swelling beginning and Sarah has been told that her eye will most likely be fully closed over tomorrow. Sarah said 'it really doesn't matter cos Shirley is out and I can speak, understand and I know what is going on'. Wahoooo!
Katy has been saving up for an ipod touch and it arrived today ready for when Katy got home tonight before tea. Sarah was thrilled to bits to hear Katy's songs she had just made and messages she had just recorded, all with lots of I LOVE YOU MUMMY sung, all a little overwhelming and she shed a tear. Martha also sent a voice message which too made Sarah smile.
I left her tonight with her ipod in one ear, singing along with a smile on her face, washed and changed and 'The Week' magazine in her hands that she thinks she might attempt to have a look at, though I am not posing much hope. 
Sarah is talking much more fluently and recorded a voice message to the girls on Katy's new ipod touch.
Martha and Katy are coping well being away from Sarah and very much looking forward to having her back, especially without Shirley.
Good night all, thank you for your continued support.
Beverley xxxx