Christmas tree drama
I couldn't bear it. Our Christmas tree was propped up on bits of wood, and I felt serious stress every time I looked at it, thinking it would fall over again. Decorations were still on the floor. I called the shop it was bought from, and they were excellent - I now have a new tree. I had to take off two sets of lights, but it wasn't too bad. I feel much happier now! I will decorate it tomorrow with Martha and Katy (again).
Drain drama
My outside drain (kitchen and bath) was blocked by leaves. I had to move a big pile of leaves to clear it. Martha and Katy will have to help me with this at the weekend - my back garden is full of leaves.
Vacuum Cleaner - new belt - massive drama!
It has taken a few weeks, but I have finally got a new belt for my vacuum cleaner. It was ordered three times - third time was lucky! Vacuum cleaners are never designed to give you clues about how to mend them. I got there in the end. Of course, I had to go to bed after that!
Charlie and Chocolate Factory
The show starts tomorrow. Joan (Dave's mum) is coming over for the morning, and then going to watch with Dave. I will go with my mum, on Thursday. Martha started panic rehearsing before bed, but was easily persuaded that sleep was more important. Katy is simply proud of herself for having a line. Dave and Joan came over tonight to see Martha and Katy. I have just seen some of the London CCF, in the Royal Variety Performance - I have recorded it to watch in the morning before school.
My health
I still have one swollen eye. I think I missed this off yesterday's review, I think - My eye sight has deteriorated. I cannot read my phone without reading glasses. I have to have my glasses when reading books with the girls. The problem that I have, is that it is impossible to know if this is because of the tumour, or because of my age. Either way, I don't like it at all. I am going to have to buy some more glasses - I only have one pair, and I keep mislaying them.
Benefit claims
Someone woke me from my sleep with a phone call and I was instantly dying for a wee! I asked if they could ring my back, and she declined, asked me a couple of questions and then asked me to send in the application. I don't know what application she means! I know she was from the Department of Work and Pensions. I made it to the loo, just in time. I am going to have to look at this tomorrow.
Have a good day tomorrow.
lots of love to you
Sarah xxx