Saturday, 22 June 2013

Two Sarah Carmichaels at Hope Hospital

I forgot to mention that I was mistaken for another Sarah Carmichael - at Hope Hospital.  There are two of us!  The other Sarah Carmichael is 30 years old but not as fit as me...  I asked the nurse if they had mixed up the scans too but sadly this was not the case.

Katy's new hairdo

I took Katy to the hairdressers this afternoon.  She has had her hair cut to shoulder length.  She smiled through the whole experience, whilst looking prettily into the mirror.  She looks lovely.
I felt amazed at being out on Beech Road. 
Katy is most interested in what I will look like with a shaved head!!!  She likes the idea.  Caused much hilarity. 
Hi there all,
Louise spent the night with us and was brilliant support.  Martha and Katy stayed home, and we had a good evening, and were able to talk about coming operation. 
Martha has a beautiful treasure pot, that she made at pottery shop.  She showed it to me and all the special things she has, like a tooth, a picture of her pen pal etc.  She then asked me for something about me to put in her pot.
You will all know my silver necklace that I wear, that is a series of silver circles.  I have two because I lost it one year, and went a bought a replacement.  I found it on camping trip in the bottom of a camping bag. 
I gave her one of my necklaces, and she is so pleased with it.  She looked at it and then dropped it into her treasure pot.  It was a beautiful moment. 
She is now making me a treasure pot to take to hospital with me.  So far she has added a hair woggle, a key ring and her CND necklace which is very precious to her.