Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Post Operation Update

Sorry for the delay, Sarah got back to the ward just after 8pm, rather a long time away. Sarah is very woosy from anaesthetic and she is communicating and understanding us.  Sarah has got a bandage turban.
They are pleased with how it has all gone today and the nurse said we will hopefully hear more details from the surgeon tomorrow.
Sarah will have a scan in approximately 3 days time to compare life with and now without Shirley.

No news yet, Sarah is not back.
We are briefly back home and we are going to return to the hospital to wait for when Sarah comes out.
Catch you all later.
Thank you all for your kind words, they mean so much to us all.

My brother catching a nap....

Operation's been put back to this afternoon

Problems leaving comments?

We've just realised that some people might have been struggling to leave comments (if they don't have a Google+/Wordpress/AIM/LiveJournal.... account). We've changed the settings so now everyone should be able to comment. Just select an 'Anonymous' profile and then leave your name so I know who the message is from. Sorry if it's been difficult.

Thank you all

Thank you all for your support.  I have just been talking with my sister, Bev and trying to explain what this is like for me.  It is simple - I want Shirley removed.  Get her out!
Some people are very worried for me. The overwhelming feeling that I have is love. I have people around me that love me.  I feel love.  You are all there for me.  The next stage is going to be very difficult, but I do not feel any personal fear.  I may not be happy at times, but I will know that you are there and helping me through it.  Not long until the real Sarah C is back.  Down with Shirley.

Thank you for all the messages, gifts and support.  Really sorry that I can't reply to everyone, don't stop sending the messages because everyone helps me.

Love especially to Martha and Katy.  Please keep supporting Dave, Martha and Katy.  They love you too.

Party when I am Shirleyless...