We have the usual fussy morning. Martha has not completed her literacy homework, because she is not sure she is in the group. It turns out it is a level 6 group and she is part of it. I am not sure where we are up to with this. I will talk with her again tomorrow. I think she is worried because she is not a fast reader.
I am feeling a bit better today. I went for a short walk with Anna, down the meadows. Home for a snack and bed. I do nothing all day. I have not worked out when the best time is to give up the steroids. I will have to look at this tomorrow. I have lost the date for my next MRI scan! Something else to chase up tomorrow.
We have school book dress up day on Thursday. I can't keep up with all these special dates! Katy wants to go as Where's Wally and Martha wants to be Professor from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We don't have a red stripey shirt ... Katy is going to colour one in!
I have been asked if I can go in to school and help pupils learn their lines for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am trying to find a way to give a small amount of time, without compromising my rest and other priorities (eg finding a new GP).
Gotta sleep
Lots of love
Sarah xxx