Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :)

I have had a busy day.  I took a kindly offered lift to The Christie Hospital, for an appointment with my consultant.  In summary, a long wait for a blood test followed by a long wait to see consultant, followed by a long wait to get drugs.  Unknowingly to me, my chemo drugs were increased last time, which explains why I wasn't ill the first time.  My consultant recommends that I must continue on the higher level, and take anti-sickness drugs.  Watch this space.  I am hoping to have a good spell :)

While I am waiting for my drugs, Chorlton CE get in touch to ask me to collect Martha, because she was ill.  After calling three local mum friends to see if they could help, and getting no answer, I remember that Ewa (wonder cleaner) is at my house.  She kindly agreed to go an collect Martha.  When I got home, Ewa was leaving because she had received a call saying her son was ill, too.  It has been one of those days...

I set Martha up watching a Studio Ghibli film, about beavers in Japan, a cartoon.  I have to go to bed.  What a pair!  Martha is comfortable to go back to school to perform as Grandpa Joe, on the condition that I was there.  I think that I can still go tomorrow night, with my Mum.  I wouldn't let Martha go in her onesie, even though she said that everyone was doing it.  Hmmm, she was correct, but good spirited about it.  I think I am forgiven.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - great production!  Martha performs very well, looking old and putting emotion into her lines.  Katy performed perfectly as an oompa loompa, and said her line about Veruca Salt.  Fantastic! I really enjoyed it.

I am now late to bed.  Martha will not be going to school tomorrow because she remains sick.  Her teacher has told her tonight that it is best if she rests tomorrow and comes back to school in the evening.  She has a doctor's appointment too. 

Good night!
lots of love
Sarah xxxx

PS.  Our Christmas tree remains undecorated.  Maybe Martha will help me tomorrow.