I had to sleep this afternoon, but on the whole I have had another good day. Christmas shopping is finished - Martha and Katy bought each other presents this morning. Dave's present is organised. Next job is to wrap them.
I have taken a form to my new doctor to complete, that is medical evidence that I am ill; and collected a leaflet for Martha from old doctor.
Katy earned a reward by collecting 15 stickers, over time, for getting herself up, dressed and full of breakfast in the morning. We went to see Saving Mr Banks. I was worried that it was a bit adult for her, but she really enjoyed it. The title is correct, however, I keep wanting to call it Saving Private Ryan (also Tom Hanks). Both Katy and I can't wait to watch Mary Poppins, because we now have the history behind the characters.
Christmas Eve tomorrow - have a brilliant day.
lots of love
Sarah xxxx