Monday, 11 November 2013

Letter to Primary Care Manager finished.

Charlie BLOG coming soon!
I will do a page about our weekend in London, over the next couple of days.  We had a great time, and the show was exciting and fun.  We are all very proud of Helen, too, who has completed her journey to Everest base camp.

Mum is here :)
My mum has come to stay.  She has driven up to Manchester, so we were able to do some chores using the car today.

Incentive scheme
Katy has responded really well to a sticker incentive scheme - she has to get up, get dressed, make her own breakfast.  For this, she gets a sticker.  If she gets 15 stickers, I will get her a DVD copy of Monsters University.  Martha is not interested in any incentive scheme - she does not want to get up!

Martha gets up early, which is good.  Unfortunately, she gets very upset about her Children in Need fundraising project.  She has got very confused about how to run the stall.  I end up taking her to school in tears, again.  I go for my walk (in the rain) after dropping girls at school.

Letter to Primary Care Manager
My letter is finished.  I will post it tomorrow.  I also collect my travel insurance medical questionnaire tomorrow.  New doctors' next ...

I am very tired today.  I sleep through lunchtime, and I am settling into bed now. 

I will write a longer BLOG tomorrow.

Have a good week
Sarah xxx