I am still poorly. Martha and Katy are looking after themselves very well. Katy is prompt and organised; Martha is learning how to manage her time a little better in the morning.
I have seen Macmillan Nurse, who will return on Monday next week. He thinks this spell is caused by the chemotherapy. This is not news that I want to hear!
I am to take anti-sickness tablets to help my stomach to settle. I am finding food tasteless and it gives me nausea. I have lost a little weight, I think. Not a bad thing!
He is concerned about how I feel like I have been in a punch up. I remain stiff and find it difficult to move.
Puffy eyes - steroid reduction.
I can't remember the rest of it. I will fill it in another time.
Katy is performing in class assembly tomorrow. Fortunately, she doesn't mind that I can't make it, because she has Dave's full attention.
Gotta sleep
love you all
Sarah xxx