Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Tree still standing :)

My walk was beautiful this morning.  A clear Autumn morning, with a low sun peeking through the trees.  I took a picture of the apple tree, full of ripe looking apples.

Dave's mum came over for the morning.  We completed a few chores.  Despite my best efforts, I had to go to sleep. and Joan cooked me lunch.  We met Dave in the local cafĂ©, and then they went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I am told it is really good.  I will go on Thursday with my Mum.

The evening has been moving Martha and Katy around to clubs.  Martha and Anya went to drama, and Katy went swimming. 

I have a sore throat.  I go to see my consultant tomorrow at The Christie Hospital. 

Our Christmas tree is still standing.  We have not decorated it yet.  Katy's observation was interesting to me - she said "The tree isn't getting smaller; I am getting bigger".

Sleep time for me
lots of love
Sarah xxx