Morning walk becomes blackberry picking outing
I get up an hour late today, and when going for my walk, Katy asks to come with me. She wants to collect blackberries. Katy goes to get changed into long armed and long legged clothing, and I get some tubs and plastic gloves. As we leave, Martha joins us too. My time out is longer, and my walk is shorter, and we had a good time. There are sooooo many heavily laden blackberry bushes.
While out, Katy has made a deal with me. She wants some time with me, on my own. She is also very (seasonally) asthmatic and in need of motherly loving and care. She wants to make blackberry tarts. Following a favourite recipe of ours, which we cut out of a magazine, she makes some delicious looking pastry cases. I am sous chef - I tidy up around her.
Martha makes giant Yorkshire puddings, from a fab Jamie Oliver recipe. It uses 3 eggs, so they always rise well. During this activity, I have to go for a sleep, so I miss the grand opening of the oven. Here is Martha eating her Yorkshire pudding based dinner.
Off to radiotherapy
My appointment is reasonably on time. I am so happy to have a three day weekend. I don't go back until Tuesday, because of the bank holiday. I have radiotherapy to ELO (ah ah telephone line ...).
A juice in "on the corner"
My local café bar sells what appear to be pressed juices. We enjoy what we drink, but the juices are from a centrifugal spinner. It was still very nice to have them served to me.
Martha and Katy are out with Dave buying school shoes
Let's wait and see what they bring home.