Saturday, 21 September 2013

Warm Saturday

Terrible night's sleep
My sleep was disrupted over and over again by fever, and middle-of-the-night worries about petty issues.  I had to get up for the toilet four times as well.  Paracetemol don't help me settle, but do help my fever.  I wake in the light annoyed because it is time to get up.  I take a bath and wash my hair.

Guinea Pig Cleaning
Martha's school friend, Saskia, comes over to learn about how to clean out a guinea pig.  She is thinking of getting one.  It usually takes only about 15 mins, but today Martha and Katy were showing off, and the clean up took about 2 hours!  They did a thorough job, and Saskia was fully involved at every stage.

Fan Return
A friend of Louise, who loaned me a fan in the hot summer bobbed in to collect it.  I am hoping to see her at Louise's 40th.

Mum and Max
Max brought mum up to collect all her stuff.  She didn't bring the bike because the gears were not working.  I wait to see if the local bike shop can find a suitable bike for Martha.  If not, it may be a trip to Decathalon.  Her knees are up around her ears when she peddles.

Max helps me organise the cellar.  I haven't been in the cellar since May, and I know that it was disorganised down there.  One of the supports for the shelves was missing, so the shelves were wonky.  I had kitchen stuff in camping space, and pictures and posters in the cellar that were meant to be in the bin.  She moved the heavy stuff down into the cellar, that I have not been able to move.  My house now looks a mess again, because space has been opened up, that was hidden away.

We take Martha to Anya's birthday party.  She dresses in white dungaree shorts, t-shirt, cardi and long boots.  I think she looks fantastic.

Katy goes to play at her friend Lewis'.  When she comes home, she is caked in mud.  They have had a water fight and been sliding in the mud.  The mud is all up her back too.  Immediate shower!

Car Sale
My brother has accepted the offer of my car.  He has partner and 3 children.  My car has optional 7 seats.  We have yet to talk about it further, but I am happy that the car is staying in the family.

I sleep while Martha and Katy are at their friends.  I have little walk on Beech Road, but basically do nothing while they are out.

Hoping the weather stays warm tomorrow
lots of love
Sarah xxxx