I start my day feeling very unwell. I have been up in the night and taken 2 paracetemol; I rise in the morning and take 2 more. My head feels like the insides are trying to burst out. I am tired, I need to sleep and snooze for most of the morning. I look at a list of side effects from the dye from the scan, and conclude that it is not from the dye. Mum phones the radiologist at Christies for help with this and to find a contact for nutrition, at the hospital. The radiologist is not available.
When she calls back, I tell her how I am feeling. She checks if I am nauseous (I am not).
What has happened is that I was told to stop taking steroids, and I have followed this guidance. My radiologist concludes that they have reduced my steroid dose too quickly, and that I must continue to take 2mg of steroids for the next week. I feel relieved to know this. I am worried also, because I clearly need the help of the steroids.
I then completely muck up my steroid diet. I am meant to take the omorazole before food to protect my gut from steroids. The steroids have to be taken with food. What happens is that I go upstairs and take a steroid (with joy). I come down to eat my food, and then my mum reminds me of the omorazole and to take steroid with food. Urgh, I have already taken it. We puzzle over what to do next and I decide to take the omorazole and live with the outcome.
The outcome is that I do start to feel better. By 4pm I am able to go out with my family and friend Helen, for a pizza.
Here is Helen with a cupboard that she has reorganised.
When Helen gets back from school, I am perking up. It was a delight to go to Croma, a local pizzeria, and have a meal out. Martha and Katy love Croma - we eat healthy pizza, and play little games at the table, like hang man and squares. This we repeated today, alongside enjoyable and engaging conversation.
I loved seeing you Helen. Thanks for your help. Helen is walking to Everest basecamp in October, and is training for this event. She will walk up Snowden over the weekend. I know you will enjoy it.
Martha gets an A for her homework
Martha has been completing a homework about the Rio Olympics over the last half term at school. She has consistently applied herself to every homework, and has tried her best all the way through. I am so proud of her. She has achieved an A grade, whilst I have been causing her lots of distractions through being ill. Martha, you are a wonderful young woman, and I love you.