Full night's sleep
For the first time since my diagnosis, I slept through the whole night. I woke up at 6.45 am - fantastic!
Morning walk
Martha and Katy are both knitting before we leave for school. They are both really enjoying it. After school drop off, I head off for a walk down the meadows, with Mike - one of the dads. The sun is shining brightly, and we can see the mist floating up from the nettles along the brook. I am not sure you can get the experience from a still photograph. The mist was rising up in little clouds all along the river bank.
I then head to the shops to collect groceries. I have bought a Hairy Biker Dave cook book in the book club at school - it was £5, and full of recipes that are suitable for my diet. Katy chose a main course and a pudding, so I stocked up on the ingredients and cooked the meal with her at tea time. We had enchiladas followed by apple and raspberry crumble (with cornflakes in the crumble). Martha will choose our next cook book meal, next week.
I have followed my schedule. I have been very careful to eat the correct balance of fresh food today, to help me avoid getting "bunged up" by anti-sickness tablets. I have only taken one anti-sickness tablet too, hoping that this is all I will need. I will take more if I start to get nauseous. I have had no side effects so far. :)
After lunch, I sleep until 3pm.
Football Tournament
I then get picked up to go to watch Katy play football. Her friend Rosy is not there because she is poorly, so Katy became the goalie. It is a painful experience watching your daughter play football. Every time she made a save, I thought I was going to have a heart attack! She did very well. They won 2-0, 1-0 and drew 1-1 (to a team with an extra player - I was told this on the way home. How I wish that I had noticed - I would have gone and told the referee. I can't help but be totally competitive on a sports pitch; I would not have been able to let this go.) Here is Katy in goal.
At home, Martha and Katy start knitting again ...
To conclude - day 1 of chemo has passed without any consequences so far.
Have a good Friday :)
lots of love
Sarah xxx