Sunday, 30 June 2013

Hair bands

This photo makes my nose look gigantic!!!! I have had to start using tape.  I am not allowed to touch my hair or scar.  It ha been fixed away from my face, but started dropping,  The tape is doing the trick.  When I meet people they always ask if they can take the tape out of hair.  NO

Thank you from Mum

We would like to say a huge thank you for all the food treats, wishes, help, support and prayers received to date. It has all been incredible and exceedingly gratefully received. Sarah will soon be able to appreciate all the good will at home. Which we hope will happen towards the middle of the week.

It really is  fantastic that everyone is giving so much thought to supporting the family as well as Sarah.

We don't know who to thank individually, there are soooo many of you............. THANK YOU

30 June 2013 15:50

Dave looked good, and Gee was on form. He gave me a head scarf and a bracelet. I will use both when home, but for now I have to spend my day in jimmy jams and sport an ugly hair do ... No touching my head or scar at all.

30 June 2013 15:47

Both girls were truly amazing. They understood that they could not touch my head, but I did catch katy having a close look at my scar. It looks like a big hair braid, all the way over the top of my brow.
Katy wanted a cuddle (a huggle) and had a cry. Katy, I love you so much - you are so special to me. Both sat close with me and joined in chatter.
When left alone, they showed me their new gizmos. Katy has an ipod touch, and martha has a kindle fire HD. We played a logo game - can you recognise the logo??
I think they were in good spirits when they left, but if not, I know that they are with family who will support them. Remember that I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. S xxxxx

Making progress....

My canula - all removed this afternoon.

Martha and Katy's GIANT card

30 June 2013 15:39

Hello all :) :) :)
I have just had a visit from Martha and katy, and dave, Bev and Gee.
Martha and katy gave me a giant card with 7 pictures of the four of us stuck onto it. Inside katy had made a stripey banner and written across it "happy hospital". Martha decorated her side with little messages on post it notes. You're amazing, happy hospital to you, I want you back ... On the back of the card it says "love from martha and katy". It is a beautiful gift. Thank you girls xxx

30 June 2013 10:54

Pain has been reduced thankfully :). 

I have been taken to a kitchen to "practice" by an occupational therapist. I made a cuppa tea and a buttered piece of toast. We have chatted about my house and help I will require.

They are going to give me a chair for upstairs and a chair for downstairs. These will be used for me to rest at the correct height. OT (oCc therapist) has taken Dave's number, to organise delivery.

A new waLl bar will be put up and down my staircase. It is not safe for me right now - too steep. What I will have is stair rail on one side and new rail on the other.

With these in place we expect that I will be able to move around the house. Again, OT is going to plan this with Dave.

Initially, I guess that I will be upstairs in bed and using bathroom.

My tea and toast making skills were good. I am, of course, very slow and very tired. However, I can plug keTtle to wall; press on off button, put water in it, find a cup, tea bag, fill cup, find milk, pour milk, tea bag into bin, drink. Sounds easy I know, but it did take me a long time ...
We are both very happy with my progress.
Love you
Sarah xxxx0000xxxxx

Sunday 30th June

Woke up on Sunday 30th in pain. Ward sister realised that I have had no pain relief since 10pm. I have taken it and it is starting to bring me back ...
Not a nice experience, but it is ending.

...and one smiling (Ouch it hurts ;))

Lost and found: Sarah's blog posts Saturday 29 June (cont'd)

Sarah has been posting to the blog from her Blackberry. The posts have uploaded as comments to the 'Thank you all' post of June 26. Here they are again.

29 June 2013 17:55

Drug regime:
My steroids have been reduced to 4mg in morning and 4mg at night. I took 2 steroid tablets, 2 paracetemol, 2 codein and 2 tablets to help me pooh. I have not been able to pooh!

Before op I took 8mg steroids in morning and 8mg at night. Everyday I take one other pill in the morning to protect gut from steroids. S xx

29 June 2013 21:32

Coming out of anaesthetic, my mum tells me that my answer to the questions was helen.

Who is the queen?
What is the name of the prime minister?
What day is it?
What year is it?
What hospital are you in?
What did you come in for?

This is true! I can remember doc karabatsou asking me questions. I can also remember my fantasy - helen was at the hospital with her dad. He was in the next room under a general anaesthetic. Whatever the doc asked me, my answer, Helen, was guiding her to take Helen t he Dad

29 June 2013 21:54

I was interupted by the ward sister, to take my pulse, blood pressure, ask me all the questions written above ...
I have had a gOod day today. Max came to visit me, from bristol and she shared the tennis progress with me. I so want to be watching andy beat djovic in the final. What a good year that would be :). Max was not blubby either. She kept bursting into tears whe I last saw her - I had diagnosis and was getting ready for op. I cried only once - when katu gave me a get wellcard.
Bev and mum and no doubt max have all been looking after martha and katy. They showed me videos on katy's ipod touch. My favourite by miles was a vidoe of them doing a cup song to a song they had composed for me. I am hoping bev may be able to upload it to BLOG forall to see.
More to ome - having a hot choc .

29 June 2013 22:05

Bev was astounded by how well I am looking. We think I may be through the worst of the swelling, but let's wait and see. She brought me some meringues - these are my no 1 cake. The french meringues are the best, but the M and S version are top quality too :)
Louise dropped in for A quick visit too, which was spot on because I was very tired. I loved seeing her. And know that as we go along, louise will undestand the subtleties of my experience. Eg I gave up my job because I couldn't cope. Hmmmmm. I had a brain tumour. All different to me now...
Off to bed and a good sleep. Lve you all. Keep sending messages - they are all warming me. Sarah xxx

29 June 2013 23:38

It is the middle of the night and I have given up on sleep for a while. I share the ward with two women. Victoria has had an op yesterday, something to do with collpsed veins and shakeyness - when she walks she shakes her arms, her legs, her head. She has her antibiotics through a drip. The drip is set up to bleep at various stages. It is bleeping now. Bleeep. Bleeeeep. Bleeeeep ...
Victoria is actually the quiet one! Directly across from my bed is Jo. She is a stroke victim, who is close to my age. She has a stunning husand(a builder) and three beautiful children aged 6 10 and 12 I think. (Hooray victoria's bleepig has stopped). Jo has had a tracheotomy - she breathes through a tube into her throat. She is fed using liquids directly into her stomach. All day se has been "nill by mouth" because she was due to have an operation today. At about 5 pm the sister discovered it had been cancelled (and she had not been informed). Since then the sister has been trying to feed Jo. The sisters change over at 6 pm, so this continues with new sister ... They are still at it. I do no know if they will go beyond 2am. I guess they will stop there for jo to be ready for op tomorrow. I don't know. But the bleeping continues. I am so sorry that jo has to go through it ...

Lost and found: Sarah's blog posts Saturday 29 June

Sarah has been posting to the blog from her Blackberry. The posts have uploaded as comments to the 'Thank you all' post of June 26. Here they are again.

29 June 2013 01:37

Good night to you all. I have been worrying about my scar and horrid hair. I have just had a chat with the nurse that looks aftr us, and I feel so relieved. He tells me that a scar like this must be left. No touching it until it is ready to be removed, which is usually around 6 days after op. In short - I must not do anything until tuesday onwards. Enjoy the horrid hair! It is stayin...m

29 June 2013 09:52

I had breakfast and had a shower. I cannot shower above neck, but have had a good wash from neck down. Shower gel was fab too - a lemon fragrance.
My bed has been made and I am going to have a sleep. Lots of love. Sarah x

29 June 2013 11:08

I have just had visit from Ms karabatsou (my surgeon). She came with 2 docs and a nurse. She says my scan "looks good" - this is the scan they took yesterday. She expects that I will need further treatment - meaning chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Thus won't be confirmed until all the tests have been completed (some time next week). She is happy I can walk to loo unaided, and that I have showered today.
I am not worried about the future treatment at all. I remain focused on having had op and being ecstatic that I can communicate properly. Let's wait and see what will happen next...
There will be a party at some point. M and k bought me a running mag, so I can start thinking about running again. My volcano trip - will be researched when I am convalescing at home.
Love you all
Sarah xxxxxxxx

29 June 2013 13:56

I have had a visit from occupational health. She was pretty and well spoken - good company. Her role is to help me be ready to go home. We are agreed that I am not ready yet! She has tested all my reactions eg put both arms above my head; push her hands away; pull my feet against her etc etc - loads of body tests. We have talked about who will be available to support me when I go home. I have answered honestly, in that I don't know but that I do know someone will be with me 24-7. The OT checked my vision too, which is hilarious because I had double vision and damaged vision before diagnosis, my vision and life improved the night that they filled me full of steroids (21/6/13). OT has left, content with my progress so far. Love. Sarah xxx

29 June 2013 17:27

Saturday 1725. Have just been visited by a neurosurgeon, to check my legs :). I had pain in one of my calves (left) this morning. We are made aware of possibililty of blood clots, and we are made to wear tight anti-clotting tights. I knew I had to tell the nurse.
The nurse checked it, and has referred me.
The surgeon has just done some physical tests, and measured both calves.
Everything is in good order :)

29 June 2013 17:46

I have an injection every day to prevent blood clots. My lef arm has two massive bruises from this. We moved to the right arm tonight :). S x

Lost and found: Sarah's posts Wednesday 26 June

Sarah has been posting to the blog from her Blackberry. The posts have uploaded as comments to the 'Thank you all' post of June 26. Here they are again.

26 June 2013 09:37

We wait for the op appointment. I go in 3rd, straight after lunch. Hope the doctors don't have a macdonalds.
I have seen a string of different doctors. The top op doc, the anaesthetist, an event planner (sadly not a party planner); I missed the nurse but Dave was able to answer drug questions.
I have an arrow on the side of my head - gotta make sure they go in the right way :).
I know the op should take about 2 hours. I have been reminded of the risks, and again, I feeling simply positive - let's get Shirley out.

26 June 2013 09:42

I am being supported by my mum, brother, sister. Dave is trying to coordinate them and bamboozle them with liverpudlian jokes.
Best one: my mum asked if he was looking forward to taking M and K to Herm (camping holiday). He laughed and said "I am looking forward to it like a hole in the head".

26 June 2013 11:07

Hi again, I have seen another nurse. I have my tag on my arm that give name and date of birth. I am the correct Sarah C - not my duplicate!
I have had my pulse taken. It was 61 - not bad, I thought.
Blood pressure was ok too.
They tried to take blood samples. I have been stabbed with a needle several times, and the nurse had to give up. My blood sample will be taken when I go in for anaesthetic.
We have filled in loads of forms: I don't have allergies, illness, don't smoke, don't drink, ate at 1145 pm last night, drank at 930 this morning etc etc. It is all done.
I am waiting to be told when to go and get my gown on.

26 June 2013 11:18

I have snuck outside to the garden. Beautiful garden. I have sat on a bench and talked through a set of pocket photos that we have made for M and K to use, if they need to be with us. They will each have a photo of me, dave and eachother.
I have talked through each photo and told them what the photo represents to me.
I know they will like it. I know they might laugh too.
A favourite is one of us at sport relief run. I remember talking to dave and saying that I was getting slower, so he should run with fastest daughter. Maybe we know why??? Or maybe we don't. WhAt am I going to blame for being thick, when I am functioning properly??

26 June 2013 12:16

A funny chuckle for you. I canceled my life insurance in October 2012! I have saved £6 a week, but if I don't make it Dave has lost £49, 000.
I have left him the letter in my finance file ...
Ps I do expect to make it in good shape.

26 June 2013 13:21

I have just seen ms karabatsou, who is surgeon. She looks smart and ready.
I was having a doze. My brother is snoring right now!!!
I am told I will go for op within an hour.
Also, my friend Helen is popping in and it looks like I will see her before op, which is a bonus. S xxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 29 June 2013

A few more bits from today:
Sarah's compression things are off her legs (reducing the risk of clotting) but she still has the sexy stockings on! Believe it or not Sarah has read 'The week' magazine (lots of small articles to read) and asked for a Guardian to be taken in for her bed time reading.  Sarah is wondering if she can see the video or photo's from her operation in a hope of seeing more of Shirley????  Oh and guess what, after all the 'waiting' Sarah did after her MRI scan saga yesterday, she did get a crap lunch.. NOT a veggie lunch.  POOR Sarah.
We have sussed out that when Sarah is posting a blog from her Blackberry it gets posted as a 'comment' in the 'Thank you all' blog, so it might be worth you taking a look there.
I am still amazed at what a fantastic visit both Max and I had with Sarah today, Joy was ooozzzing from Sarah, we enjoyed so many laughs together. Sarah is truly an amazing fighter.

I have just had such a fun day with Martha and Katy today. We started the day video recording songs, guitar playing, singing and dancing for special messages to Mummy.  The girls went for their swimming lesson and some free play time afterwards before home for lunch and straight out to the hospital afterwards. Martha and Katy taught me the actions for the clapping cup song, I haven't yet got to the super fast speed that M&K can do, but we really had a laugh together.
We had the pleasure of Charlie and mum popping round to deliver a tin of WARM coconut and minstrel brownies, that Charlie had made for us. We tucked into them after tea and ohhhh were they delicious.  Thank you Charlie. We might well put on a few pounds but hey, we very much appreciate these types of treats and we will never say no!
This evening after Mum and Max headed back to Bristol, the three of us ended our evening playing frustration, and boy was it frustration. It took ages however there was much laughter when one of us got 'sent home' and lots of  'six' being shouted. I am pleased to say..... I eventually won!! he he!
Martha and Katy are two remarkable girls and are tucked up in bed now and I will do the same.

Good night to one and all.
Thank you again
Love Bev xxx


Me and my sisters

Brother Ben missing today, but he has been here with me as well.


A visit from my sisters – some meringues. My favourite snack from childhood onwards....

Looking good! No where near as bad as I thought :) S xx

Update from 2pm visit

Our visit, Bev and Max- input from Bev and written by Max

I'm so pleased to have seen Sarah today. We left Martha and Katy with Grandma downstairs. They were brilliant - entertaining themselves with Bev's iPad (we're waiting to see the distorted photo's they took of Grandma) and whizzing up and down in her wheelchair. As we walked into the hospital Bev reminded me that Sarah would probably be very swollen and bruised so I would not be shocked when we got to her. There was no need - Sarah looked amazing! There was still a little swelling around her left eye and a little bruising underneath but nothing like the photo from yesterday when she looked like she'd been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Bev was gobsmacked and could say little else than 'I can't get over how good you look' for the first few minutes we were there :)

Sarah has had a busy morning leaving her a little more off colour (!) than she had wanted to be. She'd had a shower (making certain not to get her head wet) and Occupational Health had been to see her. The surgeon had also come this morning to Sarah giving her reassurance. Sarah said she sensed from the surgeon the pride in what she had done for her, leaving Sarah feeling that every that could have been done was done to the best. The MRI taken yesterday was ' a good one' although there was no more information on Shirley or the next step. There is still no discharge date although Sarah is more than happy to stay in hospital. I asked Sarah how much pain there is now (the last time I saw Sarah was before her op when the steroids were working but she was still suffering). Sarah replied "I know the pain is still there, but why should I feel pain. They (the nurses) keep coming round asking if I'm in pain, I say yes, they give me pills. They come round again and ask me again and I say yes. The nurses ask if I'd like something stronger and I say yes!!! They are going to have to teach me to say no!" Her sense of humour seems undented and I'm delighted to say my sister appears to be re-emerging from Shirley's evil grip!!

Bev had done some filming this morning with M & K on K's new iPod. Sarah sat on her bed, eating meringues, watching her daughters dance, sing and play the guitar for her. She was thrilled with what they had done, especially the Cup song (hopefully appearing on YouTube sometime) which she watched several times. She was able to record a video message for them. My wonderful sister started this recording with 'hello my special girls' and promptly belched...loudly! Bev and I were not able to compose ourselves as well as Sarah did and fell around laughing while Sarah continued with a polite apology to camera.

We did a lot of talking and laughing (something Sarah finds difficult because it hurts to smile). She laughed at the photo's Louise had sent in for the Book of Laughs saying 'What were we like?' and 'I was drinking from a funnel....something I would not recommend'.  Sarah is becoming increasingly aware of how bad she was and for how long by comparing how she is now, so soon after the op.
Her mindset is soooooo positive. She believes she can win Wimbledon (if anyone told her to try) because she now knows if you set her a challenge she do it because everything bad was to do with Shirley. All the 'why can't I do....' was all Shirley. Sarah feels fantastic knowing this.

Ed sent some yummy cakes and biscuits to be shared for which we say a huge thank you.  Sarah was excited to try one and saved one for later. She felt the urge to pass the tin around the ward before remembering that most of the rest of the ward were nil by mouth...more laughing.

I feel the need to pass on Sarah's disappointment when she visited the toilet. She really felt like she might actually need to have her first poo but sadly it was just a fart. Even more laughing!! Grapes have been ordered and instructions given to help 'get Sarah moving' :)

Sarah has now seen her scar. She had a period of worry in the night about it. After fretting for a while she rang for the nurse who very helpfully sat and talked with Sarah until she was no longer worried. She is happy to have been told 'do NOT touch your scar'. We were happy that Sarah had spoken to the nurse and not continued worrying and got some sleep. More photo's have been taken for Sarah to  add to her record.

We left Sarah worn out but happy, with meringue crumbs everywhere, looking forward to a snoozy afternoon. We will not be visiting later.

Thank you for all the cards we delivered to the hospital today. Sarah read them all.

Much love

Maxine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bev xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 28 June 2013

Updates that Sarah has posted today from her blackberry but sadly they have been posted to the wrong place and nobody will see them. I have typed them from my ipad to Sarah's laptop exactly as written for you all to read. So don't blame the spelling mistakes on me this time!!

28 June
Good morning all. I can undersand you talking and I can talk bac'. Probs with words and memory within this, but basically on form. I could not ask for more. My LHS is swollen duing night. Doc will ome to look t it. I think it is expected part of process.
So all is in order :).:)
Arah xxxxxxx

This is Sarah and my progress today.
Throughout the day I have had bloodpressure tests. Pulse rate and temperature- al taken a number of times and recorded in a yellow A4 file.
I was taken for an MRI scan at 830. A porter came to push me in a chair to the unit. The unit seemed to be on opposite side of hospital. Another man came with us in wheelchair- he had a big tape up the bck of his head and told me that they had removed 'an egg'.
At the unit, I went in first. Same as previous scanner. Instruction were to lie still and don't move. These make me laugh because I am not able to move about!!
The scanner is very noisy. I have ear plugs. They are several phases. The end phases are with die, so that they can see everything.

Drugs; my drug regime is being amended. The steroids have been cut for four every morning and four every night TO three. I have a tablet added to protect me against the effect of the steroids- they would damage my gut. Added- paracetemol: added - two to help me pooh! Nothing going down there yet. Love S xx

After the MRI scan, I was pushed out into the corridor, to wait for a porter to take me back to my ward. I was seated in a corner waiting room. Two people arrived, a man and woman. I waited.
I waited. I asked the man to get me a drink of water. Staff had to check this was ok, and a glass was brought to me. I waited. I asked the man to tell reception that I was waiting. I waited.
The other young man emerged through the doors, with a porter, and was taken back to the ward. I argued with the porter, asking him to take me first, but he was following computer instructions.
A radiographer appeared through the door. I asked him to take me back. I didn't care how I got back- just take me back.
He refused (on the grounds of being a radiographer),
Eventually, a porter appeared. I was returned to my ward having missed breakfast, missed bed baths, missed ordering my lunch (tricky cos I am veggie). When I got back I was very distressed, as you could imagine.
All solved with a talk, an air fan and a 'sleep in a breeze'.
Not a good morning today!

Sarah finds visiting exhausting and that is with us going in only one at a time and for a short while.
Sarah can receive BLOGs emails texts facebook etc.  She cannot read them all nor reply, but appreciates any that she sees. Keep up the messages- it really helps.

Thank you and good night xx

Friday visiting update.
Sarah started her day with an MRI scan.
Wow! Sarah has been up on her feet, first on mum's arm walking to the toilet at a very brief 2pm visit and later in the day going solo.
During the afternoon Sarah was miss bossy boots of a sister, texting me saying bring me this, then another, bring me that!! and they were properly spelt messages today, so I knew Sarah was feeling better. So we have duly taken in a couple of magazines, her IPOD and a few fresh clothes.
The nurses have encouraged Sarah to get up and about and was sitting in the chair at tonight's visit.
You can see from the photo's Sarah train track and the swelling beginning and Sarah has been told that her eye will most likely be fully closed over tomorrow. Sarah said 'it really doesn't matter cos Shirley is out and I can speak, understand and I know what is going on'. Wahoooo!
Katy has been saving up for an ipod touch and it arrived today ready for when Katy got home tonight before tea. Sarah was thrilled to bits to hear Katy's songs she had just made and messages she had just recorded, all with lots of I LOVE YOU MUMMY sung, all a little overwhelming and she shed a tear. Martha also sent a voice message which too made Sarah smile.
I left her tonight with her ipod in one ear, singing along with a smile on her face, washed and changed and 'The Week' magazine in her hands that she thinks she might attempt to have a look at, though I am not posing much hope. 
Sarah is talking much more fluently and recorded a voice message to the girls on Katy's new ipod touch.
Martha and Katy are coping well being away from Sarah and very much looking forward to having her back, especially without Shirley.
Good night all, thank you for your continued support.
Beverley xxxx

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Today's hospital visit 2pm.

Sarah was looking good though very tired and full of medication. Amazingly Sarah has had two  sessions on the commode!
The surgeon spoke to Sarah this morning saying that most of Shirley is out, and all seemed to have gone as well as we could have hoped. We now have to wait for the scan and biopsy which could be up to 5 days. So far so good.
Please no visitors however we are passing on messages.
Sarah says 'Hi to everyone' and she is so pleased that Shirley has been dealt with. Sarah wanted her photo taken for the blog and that will be uploaded soon.
Sarah asked us not to visit later tonight.
Good morning,
Just to let you know Sarah is well enough to have sent a text this morning.
We will be visiting at 2pm and will update on our return.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Post Operation Update

Sorry for the delay, Sarah got back to the ward just after 8pm, rather a long time away. Sarah is very woosy from anaesthetic and she is communicating and understanding us.  Sarah has got a bandage turban.
They are pleased with how it has all gone today and the nurse said we will hopefully hear more details from the surgeon tomorrow.
Sarah will have a scan in approximately 3 days time to compare life with and now without Shirley.

No news yet, Sarah is not back.
We are briefly back home and we are going to return to the hospital to wait for when Sarah comes out.
Catch you all later.
Thank you all for your kind words, they mean so much to us all.

My brother catching a nap....

Operation's been put back to this afternoon

Problems leaving comments?

We've just realised that some people might have been struggling to leave comments (if they don't have a Google+/Wordpress/AIM/LiveJournal.... account). We've changed the settings so now everyone should be able to comment. Just select an 'Anonymous' profile and then leave your name so I know who the message is from. Sorry if it's been difficult.

Thank you all

Thank you all for your support.  I have just been talking with my sister, Bev and trying to explain what this is like for me.  It is simple - I want Shirley removed.  Get her out!
Some people are very worried for me. The overwhelming feeling that I have is love. I have people around me that love me.  I feel love.  You are all there for me.  The next stage is going to be very difficult, but I do not feel any personal fear.  I may not be happy at times, but I will know that you are there and helping me through it.  Not long until the real Sarah C is back.  Down with Shirley.

Thank you for all the messages, gifts and support.  Really sorry that I can't reply to everyone, don't stop sending the messages because everyone helps me.

Love especially to Martha and Katy.  Please keep supporting Dave, Martha and Katy.  They love you too.

Party when I am Shirleyless...

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Night night, sleep tight!


This is Martha and Katy eating some lemon drizzle cake.  I didn't own any pyjamas, and now I do!  Margie sent over pyjamas, nighty and dressing gown, and made a melt in your cake.  Katy said, "I like the outside, because it has all the icing on it."  Thanks Margie.

Colin also sent over a recording machine.  We will be recording our description of photographs, and Martha and Katy will be able to listen to these at times when I am away or out of touch.

Prayer Bev

Operation Day Global Prayer

On Wednesday, tomorrow, sister Sarah goes into Hope Hospital Manchester at 7am for the safe removal of 'Shirley Temple' the brain tumour, please join family and friends in a global prayer from 7am and throughout the day speaking out our healing prayer for Sarah.

To be spoken aloud by one and all as many times as you like.

In Jesus name we ask our heavenly Dad to watch over Sarah and all those close to her.
In Jesus name, I speak calmness and peace over you. May you know the love that surrounds you.
In Jesus name, I speak wisdom and steady hands over the surgical and nursing team. May they have insight and knowledge to do what is right for you.
In Jesus name, I ask the army of healing angels to touch your entire body so that your brain will be protected from harm and you will be renewed as at the time of your birth.

You have touched so many hearts and now we all gather together and touch yours.
As the golden arrows reign down from heaven with love, peace, calmness, compassion, understanding and nerves of steel, we love you and bless you especially this day.

Be strong for The Lord is with you.
In Jesus name, BE HEALED.

A poem about Shirley by anonymous


Shirley I hate you so,

As you hurt and grow


Your evil powers,

Wreck and ruin my mum

You’re like a big fat bum                                                                                 


Once you’re out (YAY),

Our mum won’t be able to say (anything)

But you can’t stop our love (humph)




Aphasia - I am likely to experience this after the operation.

About aphasia

Aphasia is a communication disability which occurs when the communication centres of the brain are damaged. It is usually caused by stroke, but can also be caused by brain haemorrhage, head injury or tumours.

What does having aphasia mean?

Each person with aphasia experiences it differently. Some people cannot speak at all; some people have just a few words. Others can no longer read, write or use numbers.
Everyday activities such as having a conversation, answering the phone, watching television, may suddenly become a source of profound frustration and anxiety both for the person with aphasia and for their families, friends and carers.

How many people have aphasia?

Aphasia is more common than you would think. Every 11 minutes three people in the UK have a stroke. About a third of those people will have aphasia. In addition there are people who have aphasia through brain injury or tumour. So you may not have heard of aphasia but you probably know someone who has it – perhaps a relative or a friend.


Aphasia is sometimes known as dysphasia. They both mean the same thing.

Types of aphasia

If you or a relative has got aphasia, you may have been told you have a special type of aphasia. This is dependent on which communication centres of the brain are damaged. For example,
Broca's Aphasia is when a person speaks with short sentences that make sense but require great effort.
Wernicke’s aphasia is when a person speaks in long sentences that may not have meaning or may even make up words.
Global aphasia is when the aphasia is very severe.

Sarah's aphasia
My interpretation:  When the surgeon removes Shirley, she will damage or move parts of my brain.  Shirley is based in the part of my brain that is responsible for speech and behaviour.  After the op, the brain will be swollen.  In this condition it may not connect properly.  As it shrinks back, it will join up properly and start to function properly again.  Before it heals, all the connections may be incorrect, and who knows what will happen!  Wish me luck... 

Tips for supporting someone with aphasia
People with aphasia may find it difficult to:
  • take part in a conversation
  • talk in a group or noisy environment
  • read a book or magazine or road sign
  • understand or tell jokes
  • follow the television or radio
  • write a letter or fill in a form
  • use the telephone
  • use numbers and money
  • say their own name or the names of their family
  • express their immediate needs or ideas or words
  • go outHa ha - this all looks like me as I am fit and well!!!!
Friends and family living with aphasia may find it hard to:
  • slow down
  • resist finishing sentences
  • adapt the way they communicate
  • keep the conversation going
  • understand what a person is saying
  • know what to do

Monday, 24 June 2013


These have been my symptoms.  They have been gathering over time, and became focussed at Easter this year.  I know now that I have been suffering from the tumour growth at least since I joined Chorlton High School, because I can see a pattern (NOW that I have a diagnosis).

Before Easter:  Repeated spells of catching a vomiting bug.  One or two days off vomiting all day ...
Tiredness and fatigue - I thought I wasn't coping with the workload and family life.
Leading to being in bed every night immediately after getting girls to bed.
I am losing my ability to remember names or arrangements.
I had one incident of eye sight distortion that lead to vomiting.  I begin using reading glasses.
I lose my social life, my fitness activities are reducing.  I have been through thinking different diagnosis eg
  • I am depressed
  • I have started senility
  • I cannot cope with a job as a teacher (Contrary to my aim to become a school leader)
I change schools and go to work as a Teaching Assistant.  I am optimistic that I will adjust to a job which is focussed on smaller groups of children, in a really positive school.  I continue to be exhausted.

I continue to live a full life, but I am always exhausted, and cannot ever get enough sleep.  I make it away for weekends in London and other activities.

At Easter, everything comes to a head.  I have been have little headaches.  Short headaches - just a few minutes, but blinding.  I can do nothing while I have the headache.  It is a pain that I have never had before.  It is frightening and a worry that I will pass out.  I begin asking Dave to keep his phone on over night, so that I could ring him if I was in trouble.  We go to Berlin for a few days, and I have headaches in Berlin.  We had a good time, but it is behind a growing feeling of being uncomfortable.

On our return, I head off on a planned drive to Bristol.  This now appears completely crazy, but I went to Bristol, feeling ill, and drove home again.  While in Bristol, I could not drive and let me sister drive me.  On return to Manchester, I had another sickness bug and was unable to start school at the start of term. 

From here on, I continue to try to go to work.  I still think that I am depressed.  I am getting over working so hard in old school, and feel like everything is crashing in on me at once.  At school, I am incapacitated by the headaches and being sent home.  Over an over again.  I decide to take time off sick to recover.  My GP thinks I am depressed and has diagnosed anti-depressants.  I start taking these.  I am promised that they solve headache problems.  The headaches continue.  Dr Sabeti sends me to MRI A&E, who do a lot of physical tests, but send me home to rest.  A discussion with consultant does not give me an MRI scan.

I take Martha and Katy to Dave's Mums by train because I can't risk driving.  It was an awful journey, because I am feeling ill, Katy is injured too.  The short walk from station to her house feels like several miles.  Once there, I get double vision.  This is very dramatic, and uncomfortable.  Dave calls and offers to collect me, and I say YES.  He knows I feel very ill.  The next day, I get a taxi to MRI A&E (again), and again I was sent home to rest.

I cannot describe what it is like going to see a doctor for help, who does not do what you want, but you cannot tell them because you are not functioning properly.  I would simply sit, and try not to lie down, try and listen and say yes or no.  I did not have the resolve to say that I needed more.  My advice to anyone else is always go with someone that you know, so that they can stick up for you.  I needed someone with me to say "GIVE HER A SCAN".

Back to my GP with my mum supporting me.  Dr Sabeti sends me to the eye hospital.  I am incredibly ill, I have been vomiting for a few days, and I vomit on the floor in the hospital.  Again, I cannot express myself - I am constantly looking for somewhere to lie down.  I get given prism glasses, see a doctor and sent home to wait for appointment with consultant.  This comes four weeks later. 

In between all this I have been back to GP a number of times.  A cover GP gives me a sick note until September.  My GP keeps giving me anti depressants and is irritated that I keep coming to back.  I want her to know how ill I feel, but it isn't heard.

I am unable to walk to the end of my street.  I can start the journey, but it would then feel like my head was put into a kaleidoscope, and everything rotated (quickly).  I would lose my coordination and find it very difficult to walk.  I stop trying. 

Twice I found myself with pins and needles in my lips and my hands.  Martha had to lift me into to the house from a chair in front of the house.  I have had a number of nights with either Martha or Katy helping me with headache pain.  I would cry out in agony, and they would tell me it will be alright.

Anna Friedenthal took me to my GP again, and this was another depression disaster.  Anna asked for the eye hospital appointment to be brought forward, and this was rejected.  I left with blood test results that showed I could have an allergy.  I am thinking that maybe I was allergic to something...

So I end up at the eye hospital, and you already have that story.

The amusing part of this story is that I never believed that I was ill.  Also, many friends did not clock that I was poorly, because if you aren't present, they think you are busy.  Martha and Katy's lives were managed on calls to ask friends to bring them home.  They went to school with Martine, Izzy and Jazz.  Dave was taking them to clubs and activities.

I missed so many events that I usually love, and I am looking forward so much to becoming a full member of the community again.  I want to see Katy's assembly, I want to be a sports day, at the school fair, at open evening;  I want to see Martha perform in Helen O'Grady event.  I missed Macbeth...  I have missed so much.  I will be back!!!

Welcome to the family Cammy Koala, Baldy Kiwi and Shirley Bear

This is a picture of us with our new teddies. Sasha Friedenthall and Ella McAffer brought us a teddy each and best wishes cards.  We all have a teddy to look after, talk to and to look after us.  We named them using the Blue Peter game (putting lots of names in the middle). Martha called hers Koala,  Katy's is Baldy Kiwi and guess what!  Mine is Shirley.  She can become Valentine after the extraction ...

Thanks to Anna and Vicky for a wonderful event.  We all felt very warm and happy.

Martha and Katy 'GTG'

This is Martha and Katy setting up their mobile phones.  They were really excited to have them.

Book of laughs

Hello all, this is an email from Bev, my sister.  Your comments help me feel positive, and I feel so proud that you all care so much.

Bev's email 

Family and friends of Sarah,
My name is Beverley, younger sister of Sarah, I would like your help........

I am looking to compile a reading book for Sarah, of all the times we have laughed, joked, and celebrated success. Would you kindly email your stories to me and add a photo if you like. They can be as short or as long as necessary.
This book can be read to Sarah in quiet moments or when Sarah may be in need of a lift or a smile.
Please feel to pass this message on.

Love and blessing to you all,

Beverley xxx