A year had passed since I was diagnosed.
Questions for occupational health:
- What would they recommend for my return to work? How many hours/days?
- How do they "phase" people back into work?
- What happens if I fall ill?
- If I go back to work too soon, what are the consequences of this? eg if I continue to need to sleep in the day?
- general stiffness
- pain at base of spine (painkillers don't help)
- sleep in the day, and when children sleep
- ongoing pain around site of operation
- memory has been affected
- grade 3 tumour (8cm remains)
- tumour is stable
- chemotherapy ended March 2014
- next MRI scan (head) 9 July 2014
- MRI scan (spine) 28 June 2014
- Last scan (head) 31 March 2014
- See consultant 16 July
- Macmillan nurse 24 June
- physiotherapy
- Salford Royal September
- walking
- physiotherapy
- pilates
- diet